Become a member

New members are always welcome. Your membership will assist us in the every day maintenance of the Kevin Hoffman Walk.

Payment of fees can be made as follows: Direct deposit: Friends of Kevin Hoffman Walk Inc, BSB: 633 000, #: 1515 486 41 Cheques to be made out to 'The Friends of Kevin Hoffman Walk' C/o 14A WIngara Drive, Lara 3212 Cash: payment to a current Friends of Kevin Hoffman Walk committee member only. ** Membership will commence once payment has been received
Please indicate (especially for families, groups, corporate and organisations) how many people are covered by this membership
For direct deposits, please use your surname and the word 'Memberhip' (or Mbrshp) in your payment description.
Please enter date of payment and cheque number (if applicable)
Do you wish to receive our bi-monthly (every 2 months) member e-Newsletter?

You will receive a confirmation email once your membership payment has been received. Please check your junk if it has not been received and ensure that our email address (below) is added to your “safe” list to ensure you receive our newsletters and other emails.

Contact us at if you have any questions.